Natures Answer
To Whole Body

Nature’s Comfort Oil is a unique blend of all natural plant extracts that have been proven to assist the body with a wide range of healing attributes.

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Nature’s Comfort Oil Is A Proven All-In-One Remedy For Dozens of Conditions.

Plant Health LLC, has been formulating 100% natural plant-based therapeutics for more than 8 years and has more than 36 proprietary products in production for our wholesale clients.During the last eight years, we have had more than 100,000 direct feedbacks from our clients, and this is how our #1 bestselling product came to be.

We noticed year after year that there was one product that seemed to overshadow all the rest when clients shared their “use” and healing experience. We decided to make this All-In-One natural comfort oil available to everyone at a very affordable price.

Nature’s Comfort Oil is a unique blend of all natural plant extracts that have been proven to assist the body with a wide range of healing attributes. These oils have been used for centuries all around the world and are known globally to be the most potent healing oils known to man. These 100% natural, vegan oils are referenced in biblical texts and other writings from Egypt to the Middle East.

All we have done is combine several proven safe and effective extracts in one all around use formula. You no longer need a dozen different products from the pharmacy or doctor’s office when you can use just one product for just about every healing need.


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Remarkably, this product has shown immense benefit for more than a dozen different conditions and has been used in the following ways.

The extracts in our “Natures Comfort Oil” can reduce pain due to the natural anti-inflammatory effects and the direct influence on the TRPV1 receptor which controls and mediates pain without the need for any RX medications. The oil’s molecular structure is small enough to penetrate the dermis of the skin and soak into the blood stream below the skin to affect the area of discomfort topically as well as internally through sublingual consumption. Once in the blood stream, it modulates the Vegas nerve which is the control center for inflammation and pain.



Most chronic conditions are a direct result of inflammation in the body. These pathways become aggravated over time as we consume the wrong foods filled with sulphates, phosphates, stabilizers, and emulsifiers which all packaged food contain. Additionally, nicotine, alcohol, sugar, and other materials all contribute to inflammation which ends up, over time, causing the body to be out of balance.

Our Natures Comfort Oil has natural anti-inflammatory effects from the influence on the TRPV1 receptor which mediates inflammation pathways.

The extracts in our Natures Comfort Oil can assist the body with restful sleep because it helps to reduce pain, and inflammation due to the natural anti-inflammatory effects and the direct influence on the TRPV1 receptor which controls and mediates pain without the need for any RX medications. Additionally, the extracts influence the 5HT1A (Alpha hydroxy tryptamine receptor) in the brain which is a Serotonin receptor that balances dopamine and serotonin.

We DO NOT recommend Melatonin as this is not a natural substance. Melatonin is made in your brain when the conditions are balanced. Melatonin in the store is an artificial chemical that tricks your brain to think it has enough melatonin to sleep. Our oil works naturally to increase Anandamide in the brain which helps you relax for better sleep.



The extracts in our Natures Comfort Oil can reduce pain due to the natural anti-inflammatory effects and the direct influence on the TRPV1 receptor which controls and mediates pain. All burns including 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns are able to heal faster with our product. Our formula contains anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory characteristics that sooth damage to the skin.

Therapeutically our natural oil remedy also stimulates glutathione in the body which helps repair damaged cells and assist the body with the production of cytokines including interleukins (ILs) and TNF-α, and other natural growth factors, of which platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is perhaps the most important. The stimulation of cytokines and growth factors manipulate the inflammatory phase of healing while the oils also help to remove damaged structural proteins, so the fibroblasts lay down fresh extracellular matrix proteins allowing healing to take place.

Migraines and cluster headaches affect millions of people a day and the medications prescribed to help reduce inflammation are often chemical in nature and cause side effects. Migraines can also be caused by RX medications. Our Natures Comfort Oil activates various neurological receptors and assist these receptors to remove toxins like astrocytes that lodge themselves in the microglia in the brain. These tiny toxins cause neuro-inflammation which in turn can cause headaches and pain.

When you can safely and naturally detoxify the brain, and remove the inflammation, everything begins to settle down and the condition improves. Our Natures Comfort Oil assists with Gut health which also effects the brain. A healthy gut = no headaches. GTR or gene transcription modification is the process of how your body regulates your genes when conditions are right. NRF2 alsoregulates the expression of antioxidant proteins that protect against oxidative damage in the body and brain.

Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun and excessive sun exposure speeds up the production of melanin, a natural pigment that gives skin its color. On skin that has had years of sun exposure, age spots appear when melanin becomes clumped or is produced in high concentrations.

Some people remove their age spots with expensive treatments such as prescription bleaching medications which are toxic to your cells, laser, freezing (cryotherapy), dermabrasion, or chemical peels. These are all costly and unnecessary compared to our Natures Comfort Oil which will assist the body with the natural reduction of melanin that creates age spots. Go the less expensive and natural route with our 100% organic formula.

Toe fungus is just what the name states. A fungus that begins to propagate on top and eventually inside the toenail. Toe fungus can spread over time and once it takes over the nail, can be difficult to get rid of. Sweating heavily in tight shoes, dirty socks, or having had athlete’s foot in the past can be contributing factors. Frequent walking barefoot in damp public areas, such as swimming pools, gyms and shower rooms are also contributors. Having a minor skin or nail injury and not keeping the area clean is also a cause.

No need for unnecessary chemical-based medications when you can use our 100% natural Natures Comfort Oil that has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties that go to work immediately. Go natural & safe with our 100% organic formula.

Ringing in the ear(s) primarily caused by some inflammatory effect. Wax buildup and gut issues that affect the brain can also cause tinnitus. Too much alcohol, caffeine, or smoking may worsen tinnitus. Sometimes, tinnitus is a sign of high blood pressure, an allergy, or anemia.

Our Natures Comfort Oil is highly anti-inflammatory and can reduce the swelling that occurs behind the ear drum which contributes to Tinnitus. Many clients will place a few drops into the ear canal while also taking sublingually under the tongue. Be sure to rinse the ear canal with bursts of clean water to remove any wax, dirt, sand etc. debris.

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fasciatissue in the foot used during walking and foot movement. Plantar fasciitis can be caused by several factors, including type of shoes, foot structure, foot trauma of injury, years of sports, overuse and types of walking surfaces.

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is inflammation and pain on the bottom of the foot and heal. Our Natures Comfort Oil is highly anti-inflammatory and can reduce the inflammation and swelling that occurs on the foot & heal which contributes to Plantar Fasciitis. Most clients will begin with the topical lotion and apply it directly to the area at least twice per day in the am and pm. Others will use both the oil and the topical for more severe pain.

The extracts in our “Natures Comfort Oil” can mitigate anxiety due to the direct influence on the 5HT1A (Alpha hydroxy tryptamine receptor) in the brain which is a serotonin receptor that balances dopamine and serotonin. This receptor also has effects on cortisol which controls stress ( specifically fight or flight ).

The oil’s molecular structure is small enough to penetrate the dermis of the skin and soak into the blood stream so you can drop some on the back of the neck or temples as well as take orally under the tongue. Once in the bloodstream, it modulates the vagus nerve which is the control center for body temperature, inflammation, GABA/Glutamate balance and mood.

The extracts in our Natures Comfort Oil are highly anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory so they can assist the body with the production of cytokines including interleukins (ILs) and TNF-α, and other natural growth factors, of which platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is perhaps the most important for healing.

The key to any allergic reaction is to reduce swelling from the histamine response which is just the body trying to remove the toxin in its own way. Our product works on Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac.

Skin tags are very common and typically are not harmful. They are benign, noncancerous, tumors of the skin. They consist of a core of fibers and ducts, nerve cells, fat cells, and a covering or epidermis. They often go unnoticed unless they are in an area where you see them like the neck or chest. Some people may have skin tags and never notice them. In some cases, they rub off or fall off painlessly. Very large skin tags may burst under pressure, while other skin tags can grow larger over time and make people uncomfortable.

The extracts in our Natures Comfort Oil are highly anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory so they can help the body get rid of the excess skin in this area. The primary active component of our Natures Comfort Oil is the powerful antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Skin warts are very common and typically are not harmful. Common warts are small, grainy skin growths that occur most often on your fingers or hands. Rough to the touch, common warts also often feature a pattern of tiny black dots, which are small, clotted blood vessels on the skin. Common warts are caused by a virus and are transmitted by touch.

The primary active component of our Natures Comfort Oil is the powerful antibacterial effects which helps to stop the spread of warts and kills the virus that makes the wart.



Most tremors are disruptions in brain activity or brain chemistry due to many factors. One of the leading factors is a buildup of Beta amyloid plaques in the brain from tiny toxins that build up over time. Conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are more chronic but can be from the same issue of excessive toxins in the brain. The key to any neurological condition is the removal of toxins in the brain and the balancing of brain chemistry especially GABA and Glutamate.

Our Natures Comfort Oil activates various neurological receptors and assists these receptors to remove toxins like astrocytes that lodge themselves in the microglia in the brain. Toxins like black mold spores can attach to areas of the brain and cause massive disruptions.When you can safely and naturally detoxify the brain chemistry, everything begins to settle down and the condition improves.

The extracts in our Natures Comfort Oil are highly anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory so they can assist the body with the production of cytokines including interleukins (ILs) and TNF-α, and other natural growth factors, of which platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is perhaps the most important for healing.

The key to any allergic reaction from any insect bite is to reduce the swelling from the histamine response which is just the body trying to remove the toxin in its own way. Our product works on all insect bites and any skin irritation.

Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are inflamed or swollen veins inside or just outside your anus area. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).

Nearly three out of four adults will have hemorrhoids from time to time and they can be caused by many things. Bacteria, lack of complete cleansing or pushing too hard during elimination.

No need for unnecessary chemical-based prescriptions when you can use our 100% natural Natures Comfort Oil that targets inflammation and has natural antibacterial properties that go to work immediately. Go the less expensive and natural route with our 100% organic formula.

The extracts in our Natures Comfort Oil are highly anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory so they can assist the body with the production of cytokines including interleukins (ILs) and TNF-α, and other natural growth factors, of which platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is perhaps the most important for healing.

The key to any skin irritation whether from allergies or even auto-immune conditions is to reduce the irritation internally or externally from the histamine response which is just the body trying to heal in its own way. Our product works on all skin conditions.

An inflammation of the organ lying behind the lower part of the stomach (the pancreas). Pancreatitis may start suddenly and last for days, or it can occur over many years. It has many causes, including stress, poor diet, food sensitivities, gallstones and chronic, heavy alcohol use.

Symptoms include upper abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Treatment usually requires hospitalization. Once they stabilize the patient, doctors treat the underlying cause with medications. Our Natures Comfort Oil is highly anti-inflammatory and can reduce the inflammation and swelling that occurs within the gastrointestinal tract which causes the pain and discomfort. Moving away from processed foods to a more plant based diet will help the symptoms reduce and potentially stay away over time.


Our Natures Comfort Oil contains 100% natural plant based extracts from specific Hops plants and also contains Grapeseed Oil, Hemp Seed Oil and hemp extracts. The formula contains natural antioxidants that help inhibit or reduce damage caused by oxidative stress.

The oil targets inflammation and supports immune health, is non-habit forming, and non-psychotropic meaning will not get you high. The primary bioactive compounds are plant peptides and polyphenols for balanced endogenous receptors.

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Reviews From Our Clients

We have satisfied clients from all over the United States. Here is what a few had to say.

Rachel M.

Witchita, KS

5 star rating
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5 star rating
Been taking this for a few weeks now. Started after dealing with pretty regular sickness and infection, and I feel great. Still take it each day, and feel noticeably better.
Emily G.

Buffalo, NY

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
This product has helped restore my sense of well being which is allowing me to get back on track with my health so I feel the best I can each and every day.
david C.

San Diego, CA

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
This is such a phenomenal product!! I can’t tell you enough how much it’s helped eliminate my anxiety and made me feel such a sense of calmness allowing me to be stress free.

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We believe you will love this product and its results. If you are not satisfied with the results return the unused portion of your product within 30 days for a full refund.

how the body heals

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