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Many clients have questions before using Nature’s Comfort Oil for the first time. Here are some of the most common questions we receive from new clients.

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We’re so confident that you will love this product that we’ll refund your purchase, less shipping and handling costs if you are not completely satisfied. As stated on our home page here.

The oils require CONSISTENT USE to be able to build up on the skin or inside the body. Because the extracts need time to build up in the system, the standard protocol listed on our home page for internal consumption is 1/8 dropper am and pm for 3-5 days and then increase to ¼ dropper. After 3-5 more days, increase again to ½ dropper am and pm and continue to increase until the first bottle is gone, which should be 3-4 weeks.

Upon using the second bottle, if you have not experienced any benefits from the second bottle using 1 full dropper am and pm for a period of 2 weeks, then return the unused portion to us with a copy of the purchase receipt(s) with the buy date showing, so that we can CONFIRM that you used the first entire bottle and not the entire second bottle. We will refund your entire purchase of both bottles’ less processing and shipping within 30 days. Allow 7-10 days for credits to show up on your credit card statement.

The extracts take time to build up in our system, so for some people they feel more energy, or less anxiety within a few days, or potentially a week depending on your metabolism. While this answer is predicated on dose, we always suggest starting low and increasing slowly every 3- 5 days. Some people when receiving the right dose at first consumption, feel benefits in 1-2 days, others take longer as it builds up.

As stated on our product label QR code and this website, we suggest everyone begin with 1/8 dropper am and pm unless it’s just for sleep. For sleep, use the product before bedtime. Stay with your dose for 2-3 days before increasing. All other uses, keep the same dose for 3-5 days to be sure your body handles the nutrients well. After 3-5 days you can increase if you have not seen or felt the condition improve.

Unfortunately, flavor is personal and has nothing to do with the functionality of the product. For this reason, we do not accept returns for flavor, but you can certainly give the product to someone you know to help them

This is important…never buy a product grown or sourced in China. Many brands, especially cheap bands source their oils and extracts from what they say is a remote part of China with low population, no pollution and clean water…Really? Don’t fall for it. You only want to buy plant-based supplement products that are sourced here in America under controlled environments without pesticides and chemical infusions. All our ingredients come from natural organic farms right here in the USA.

In very rare cases, some people may be allergic to the ingredients. To date, we’ve never had anyone report any severe or negative reaction to the natural ingredients of Natures Comfort Oil. If you begin using it, and have any type of reaction, just stop. If you have a serious health condition, or are pregnant or nursing, please speak with your doctor before starting any new supplement.

See the list of benefits our clients have experienced on the home page. Because Natures Comfort Oil contains natural plant extracts, some people will experience more energy due to the anti-inflammatory benefits. Others will state they feel calmer with less anxiety. Others will state they just feel more balanced. Some people feel nothing. Like with vitamin C or D, you don’t really feel anything, but you know it is good for you.

Yes, however, we will never ship a product that has past the exp batch date. Because of the highly antibacterial and antifungal nature of these natural plant extracts, the expiration date from the day of formulation is over 1 full year. We always run new batches every quarter to be sure the extracts we sell are fresh.

Yes, many clients use our oil for restful sleep. The sleep protocol is listed on the home page under sleep. If you are using the product for pain and inflammation and you are increasing your dose for pain, and get too drowsy during the day, you can use a little less during the am and more during the pm so not to be drowsy during the day. This is all about tailoring your dose to how you need the extracts to work.


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